Gone are the days of pasting horses every few weeks. This method was always short sighted as it promotes drench resistance, meaning that drenches can become ineffective as worms develop resistance to the active ingredients.

The very best you can do for your Horses is to worm test periodically, 4 time a year is generally enough. Doing this you’ll know when worm burdens are on the rise, when you need to paste (based on results) and when it’s not required.

All Horses are different. Even running in the same paddock you may find vastly different results. Some horses are more susceptible to worm pressures and require more attention. The term “high shedders” is thrown around a bit, but in reality they simply have a higher worm burden.  Over years of testing we have so many examples of testing that show some horses just are more susceptible to worm burdens.

Testing is really easy and we are happy to chat about the results so it all makes sense!

A worm test for a horse is $35, usually that test will tell you everything you need to know. The testing can be taken further but not usually necessary.

Our test kits available from our suppliers are more designed for sheep and cattle producers. They are essentially a box with zip lock bags, a glove and a spoon and our test request form.

Our Standard Test is our horse test (the Premium test is for larger mobs of sheep , goats and cattle).

For horses we encourage clients to simply collect a sample in a zip lock sandwich bag, write the horses name on the bag, print off and  fill in the Test Request Form  (and send with samples).

The sample should be no more than about the size of tennis ball. Expel all the air as you seal the zip lock bag.

Place in a well-sealed mailing bag/box and post to us at PO Box 423 Temora  NSW  2666. –  Doing it this way means we can keep the price of testing down for the long term.

We test, then report via email on all samples the day we receive them. An Invoice is sent with the results, our EFT details are on the invoice.

Hope that helps. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any further questions.